Here you can find out which books are going on tour with TheWriteReads in the near future! If you are a book blogger and want to participate you can sign up via the sign-up forms linked below!

BBNYA Mini Blog Tour  in association with The Write Reads and The Folio Society:

The Reanimator's Heart by Kara Jorgensen

Tour dates: July 29th - August 5th

Age/Genre: Adult/Historical Fantasy

Format(s): Ebook

A reluctant necromancer, a man killed before his time, and the crime that brings them together.

Felipe Galvan’s life as an investigator for the Paranormal Society has been spent running into danger. Returning home from his latest case, Felipe struggles with the sudden quiet of his life until a mysterious death puts him in the path of the enigmatic Oliver Barlow.

Oliver has two secrets. One, he has been in love with the charming Felipe Galvan for years. Two, he is a necromancer, but to keep the sensible life he’s built as a medical examiner, he must hide his powers. That is until Oliver finds Felipe murdered and accidentally brings him back from the dead.

But Felipe refuses to die again until he and Oliver catch his killer. Together, Felipe and Oliver embark on an investigation to uncover a plot centuries in the making. As they close in on his killer, one thing is certain: if they don’t stop them, Felipe won’t be the last to die.

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Aladdin (Simon & Schuster):

The Legendary Mo Seto by A.Y. Chan

Tour dates: July 31st to August 9th

Age/Genre: MG/Action

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

A fast-paced, high-kicking debut that’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets Stand Up, Yumi Chung as a young taekwondo artist uses an ancient book to help save her dreams—and her father.

Twelve-year-old Modesty “Mo” Seto dreams of being a taekwondo champion. Even though her mom disapproves, Mo can always count on her dad, who is her number one fan and biggest supporter. Lately, Mo has been on a losing streak, and it doesn’t help that she keeps losing to her archnemesis, Dax, who’s much bigger than her. If only she were faster, stronger, not so petite. Mo can’t even lean on her dad like usual with how distracted he’s been lately.

When Mo learns about the chance to audition to star alongside her idol and legendary martial artist and movie star Cody Kwok, she knows this her chance to prove to her dad, to the world, and to herself that she can compete with anyone, no matter her size. Unfortunately, Dax is auditioning, too. As Mo and her nemesis progress to callbacks, someone attempts to sabotage the movie set and Mo’s dad disappears—and both events seem linked to a mysterious book, the Book of Joy.   

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Neem Tree Press:

Scareground by Angela Kecojevic

Tour dates: August 2nd to August 11th

Age/Genre: MG/Horror, Fantasy

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

Roll up, roll up, the Scareground is in town!

Adopted by a family of bakers, 12-year-old orphan Nancy Crumpet’s life is a delightful mix of flour, salt, and love, yet her mind is brimming with questions no one can answer. Where are her birth parents? Why must she keep her mysterious birthmark hidden? And why are all the adults terrified of the fairground?

Faced with an opportunity to enter the Scareground, Nancy and her best friend discover a place of dark magic, where rides come to life and there’s a mystery around every corner. When she meets the fair’s sinister owner, Skelter, Nancy faces secrets more horrifying than she could ever have imagined.


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Blog Tour:

Generations by Noam Josephides

Tour dates: August 20th - August 27th

Age/Genre: Adult/Sci-Fi, Mystery, Detective

Format(s): Ebook, Physical


"Thought-provoking, innovative and brimming with emotional depth!" - SciFi Zone 5-star Review

For eight generations, the Thetis has been a peaceful haven, carrying the last remnants of humanity on a journey to resettle on a new planet. Nearing its final destination, Thetis is seemingly a Utopia: egalitarian, tolerant and united. A society ready for a new beginning.

But when a strange extortion attempt targets the ship's leader, that idyllic façade begins to crack. And when SANDRINE LIET, the introvert Archivist tasked with investigating the case starts poking around – the prime suspect mysteriously disappears.

Nobody disappears on the Thetis.

Sandrine is pulled into a web of intrigue and deception, sending her on a direct collision course with the most powerful people on the Thetis. Every step she takes, her suspicions of a grand and far-reaching conspiracy grow - as are the personal consequences for her future if she keeps pursuing the investigation. 

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Neem Tree Press:

Anticipation by Neil Taylor

Tour dates: August 5th to August 14th

Age/Genre: YA/Thriller

Format(s): Ebook, Physical (UK)

You are being played.

Your every move is being watched by businesses hoping to manipulate your behaviour. Every picture, every post, every like, every follow, every purchase, every search.

When 17-year-old Riya Sudame inherits her father’s secret AI algorithm, she and a handful of carefully selected Keyholders hold the power to predict people’s future using their online data. But with great power comes great responsibility, and they must safeguard it from falling into the wrong hands.

Enter Jim Booker, a powerful social media tycoon, who will stop at nothing to steal the technology for himself. Soon Riya faces a critical choice. Fighting ruthless tech giants seems like an impossible task—wouldn’t it be easier to relinquish her father’s creation in exchange for a normal teenage life?

But if she does, she will have to live with the knowledge that she is the reason that, like everyone, you are being played.

Neil Taylor marks his debut in this dark, twisty AI YA thriller.   

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Neem Tree Press:

No Funeral for Nazia by Taha Kehar

Tour dates: August 12th to August 21st

Age/Genre: YA/Contemporary, Fiction

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

Nazia Sami is a celebrated author, but perhaps her greatest plot twist is yet to be produced.

In her final days, she wields a pen one last time as she fills her diary with instructions for her sister, Naureen, and writes six letters to be delivered after her death.

There is to be no funeral for Nazia. Instead, only six invitees are asked to attend a party, one of whom is a mystery guest. Over the course of an extraordinary evening, secrets are revealed, pasts reconsidered, and lives are forever changed.

Perfect for fans of MOHSIN HAMID and KAMILA SHAMSIE, No Funeral for Nazia is a striking and inventive exploration of what death can mean for both the deceased and those left behind. 

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Neem Tree Press:

The Red Tunic by Kate Wiseman

Tour dates: August 19th to August 28th

Age/Genre: Adult/Historical Fiction

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

As headstrong as her twin is gentle, Nina has never fit the womanly mould society expects of her.

Alfie and Nina Mullins have always relied on their shared world of hope and make-believe for comfort, but as the pressure on Alfie to prove himself at the Front mounts, Nina is presented with more possibility than she had ever imagined and the two are pushed in wildly different directions.

Coming of age as the First World War breaks out, the Mullins twins’ fates are inextricably interlinked with the turmoil of conflict in this fascinating exploration of gender roles and the extremes to which war pushes us. 

Sign Up for this tour here

Blog Tour:

The Grass Widow by Vanessa Edwards

Tour dates: August 26th - August 30th

Age/Genre: Adult/Noir, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

Ditched by her married lover Hugh on the day she was made redundant, Leonie plans to make life difficult for Hugh while she searches for a new job. She inveigles her way into his house as a cleaner, intending to plant fake clues to his new liaison for his wife Amanda to find. But instead she discovers real clues to Amanda’s secrets.

Meanwhile, fellow cleaners Brenda and Tina also have hidden agendas as they work: Brenda is counting on a spot of blackmail and Tina is looking for financial information to sell to her dodgy brother-in-law.

At the centre of this web is Amanda’s gardener Simon: handsome, ruthless and plausible, with a shady past and lofty ambitions.

A death in an apparent accident arouses Leonie’s suspicions. Can she put aside her animosity towards Amanda and use her impressive – if sometimes unorthodox – investigative skills to find the truth before someone else dies?

Sign Up for this tour here

BBNYA Mini Blog Tour  in association with The Write Reads and The Folio Society:

A Rose Among Thorns by Ash Fitzsimmons

Tour dates: August 21st - August 30th

Age/Genre: Adult/Contemporary Fantasy

Format(s): Ebook

Runner-up, The Book Bloggers' Novel of the Year Award 2023

No one said anything about an attack vine.

Rose Thorn should never be left unsupervised around plants. Potted things tend to die around her as if on principle. But when her great-aunt calls and asks Rose to watch her garden nursery for a few days, Rose can hardly say no. After all, Aunt Lily is the closest thing Rose has to a grandmother—and the only family she has left—so Rose doesn’t mind driving out to her tiny mountain town to look after the place.

Aunt Lily never mentioned anything about an inspection, however.

Rose is taken aback when an agent from an organization she’s never heard of arrives and panics to find Aunt Lily missing. As it turns out, Aunt Lily hasn’t been entirely straight with Rose. She’s not visiting a sick friend—she’s in danger and on the run. She keeps a hidden greenhouse on the property in which she grows highly regulated magical plants. And she’s an elf…as was Rose’s grandfather.

Though stunned to witness magic at work and shocked that no one ever divulged the family secret, Rose refuses to abandon the nursery until her great-aunt is safely home. But as she and the agent, now awkward housemates, try to keep up their cover story and find the missing grower, they realize that whatever led to Aunt Lily’s disappearance might not be the only magical crime in progress.

And while Rose has no green thumb, another talent of hers may be budding… 

Sign Up for this tour here

Ultimate Blog Tour in association with Neem Tree Press:

Nocturne with Gaslamps by Matthew Francis

Tour dates: September 2nd to September 11th

Age/Genre: Adult/Historical Crime Fiction

Format(s): Ebook, Physical

A historical crime fiction novel set in Victorian London’s gaslit theatre scene, where ghosts lurk in the shadows and murder takes centre stage.

Gaslight. Ghosts. Murder.

Hastings Wimbury has always dreamt of playing Hamlet, but for now he works as a theatre gas-boy. Here, he tends to a gas chandelier so powerful it creates its own weather, and limelight machines that can throw a shadow onto a wall ten miles away.

When Hastings suddenly disappears, his fiancée Flora sets out to find him with the help of Cassie, her rival in love who is more preoccupied with the ghosts terrorising the streets of London. Soon total darkness is imposed upon the city, and they realise that something far more sinister is at hand…

Ladies aren’t supposed to solve mysteries, but this is a matter of life and death. 

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